Sicilian Caponata

The deliciousness of this recipe comes from the homemade manicotti pasta I learned to make in the village of Sant’ Ambrogio, Sicily. I’m calling these crepe-like pasta manicotti, but they’re not actually called manicotti in Italy. Some Americans may also call them cannelloni, but the Sicilian cook called them crespelle. Call them whatever you like, but they are the easiest, tastiest pasta you’ll ever eat. Just try them.
Bruschetta, pronounced “Bru-Sketta” in Italy, is simply toast rubbed with garlic and topped with fresh tomatoes. During my visit to Venice this summer, I discovered how this simple little apertivo could become something more like a meal. For the past month, I’ve tried to replicate the taste I discovered at a little cafe’ outside of Piazza San Marco. To read more about our days in Venice, go here: http://www.eatwritepacklight.com/destinations-in-italy/venice/
This is so easy to do that I almost talked myself out of posting this, but I always use my own recipe for tomato sauce in the summer when I have tons of fresh tomatoes available. Continue reading Homemade Chunky Tomato Pasta Sauce