Brussels sprouts caramelized with red onion and roasted pecans is a popular dish in my house. It amazes me that I once despised this cute little cabbage-looking vegetable. My mom loved to boil them just like she did cabbage, and insist I eat every one of them that she put on my plate. I hated the bitter taste. They were on my “hate-list” along with beets and turnips. So, when she wasn’t looking, I would spit them in my napkin and throw them away just like I did with my beets and turnips. She insisted that I would created a “taste” for them if I kept eating them. I did finally create a taste for all of my “hate-list” vegetables, but it was only when I learned to cook them properly that my taste buds changed. It was their health benefits that persuaded me to give these super foods another chance.
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